




一、英文自我介紹 5 大重點

英文面試就如同中文面試,以自我介紹開始,最佳長度為 3~5 分鐘,可視情況增減,架構也跟中文自我介紹大同小異:

1. 打招呼

舉例1:Good morning. / Good afternoon. 早安 / 午安。

舉例2:I am happy to be here. 我很高興能來這裡。


2. 從何處知道職缺 / 表明想應徵的職缺

舉例1:I am xxx. I was introduced to your firm via Linkedin. 我是xxx。我從 Linkedin 得知貴公司的資訊。

舉例2:My name is xxx. I am interested in pursuing a career in HR at your firm. 我是xxx。我對貴公司的 HR 職位很感興趣。

當然,也可以把兩句合併變成:I am xxx. I was introduced to your firm via Linkedin, and I am interested in pursuing a career in HR at your firm.

3. 學歷&工作經驗

舉例1:I graduated from xxx University and majored in xxx. I was an intern at xxx company and I was in charge of ……. 我畢業於xxx大學並且主修xxx。我曾在xxx公司擔任實習生並負責……。

舉例2:I have been working as a financial assistant at xxx company for 2 years. I handled…… and helped save 20% on maintenance. 我在xxx公司擔任了兩年財務助理。我負責……並且幫公司省了20%的維修成本。


4. 活動經驗&個人特質

舉例1:I have the experience of being an international volunteer in Vietnam, showing that I am passionate about helping those who are in need. 我曾經去越南擔任國際志工,顯示我熱衷於幫助有需要的人。

舉例2:I am very detail-oriented and open-minded. 我非常注重細節並且思想開闊。

5. 目標&結尾語

舉例:In the near future, I hope I could help your firm expand the market and increase profits. Thank you for your time. 未來我希望能夠幫助貴公司擴張市場並增加利潤。感謝您寶貴的時間。



二、8 大常見英文面試問題&回應小技巧

1. Why did you leave your last job?


舉例:I left for an opportunity to advance my career. 我為了更好的工作機會離開上一份工作。

2. How do you deal with high pressure situations?

3. Are you a team-player?

4. What is your greatest achievement?

以上三題其實問的是「經驗」,而任何跟經驗有關的問題都需要舉例,舉例非常推薦用「STAR」架構 — S: Situation 情境;T:  Task 任務;A: Action 行動;R: Result 結果。


Last summer, I went to Vietnam as an international volunteer, and there I met other volunteers from all over the world.

Our task was to arrange activities for orphans.

I became a bridge among all the volunteers because I was the one who spoke English the best. Therefore, I tried to convey their messages to each other as accurately as I could. Although the discussion was pretty long and it could be annoying when everyone had different opinions, I did not lose my patience because I knew all of us were striving to create good memories for the kids.

In the end, we came up with three games for the kids, and everyone was satisfied, especially when we saw the happy faces on the kids.

5. What are your weaknesses and strengths?

本題的重點是 “weaknesses”,絕對不要說「我的缺點就是太完美」這種話!重點中的重點是,說完缺點後,一定要說「自己做了什麼努力去解決這個缺點」。至於 “strengths” 的回答,只要記得回答的優點「符合你所應徵的職缺需求」就不會有問題。舉例來說,應徵金融職位如會計師,可以說自己的優勢是細心又效率高,若說自己有「善於團隊合作、很會寫文案」等等的強項,則不那麼適用於此職位。

舉例 (weaknesses):

My weakness is that although I am applying for an HR position, I do not major in HR. However, after I found that I am interested in HR, I have taken HR courses such as HR management and interpersonal communication  at school. 我的弱點是雖然我申請的是人資的職位,但我並不就讀人資科系。當我發現我對人資感興趣後,我開始上學校的人資相關課程,像是人資管理以及人際溝通課。

舉例 (strengths) :

My greatest strength is that I am a problem solver. I always see a situation from different perspectives and find an efficient solution to solving the problem. 我最大的優點是我善於解決問題。我總是從不同面向觀察並找出有效率的解決辦法。 

*接著再以上面提到的 STAR 架構舉過往的例子,增加說服力,告訴面試官你是如何有效率地 “solve a problem” 就行了!

6. What can you do for the company? / Why should we hire you?




    • Firstly, I am good at communication. + (1~2句話補充說明) 
      首先,我善於溝通。+ (1~2句話補充說明)。


    • Secondly, I have good organization and time management skills. + (1~2句話補充說明) 
      第二,我擅長組織和時間管理。+ (1~2句話補充說明)。


    • Lastly, I am able to provide advice on business strategies. + (1~2句話補充說明) 
      第三,我能夠給予商業策略建議。+ (1~2句話補充說明)。

7. What are your short-term and long-term goals?

回答 short term goal 要強調「如何增進現在應徵的這份工作所需的能力」,long term goal 則可展現出「願意接受各種可能的彈性」。

舉例 (short term):My short term goal is to improve my computer skills by taking online courses and preparing myself for future opportunities. 我的短期目標是進修線上課程增進電腦使用能力,為未來做準備。

舉例 (long term):My long term goal is to take on more challenging tasks, so I can assess my abilities. 我的長期目標是接受更具挑戰性的任務,這樣才能知道我的能力在哪裡。


8. Do you have any questions for me?

被問到這個問題,請不要直接回答 : NO! 就算你內心覺得沒問題,也要強迫自己問至少一個問題。可以事先了解公司的業務和文化,針對公司相關的資訊或者是職位內容問問題。

舉例1:If I were hired, what would you want me to achieve in my first two months? 如果我被雇用了,請問您希望我在兩個月內達成什麼目標?

舉例2:What is the greatest challenge the company is facing? 公司現在面臨的最大挑戰是什麼?



    1. I don’t understand what you mean. 我不太明白你的意思。
    2. Excuse me, could you repeat the question? 不好意思,可以請你重複一次問題嗎?
    3. Could you speak a little more slowly? Thank you! 可以請你說慢一點嗎?謝謝!


三、團體面試的 3 個小叮嚀



    1. 事前準備:事先了解應徵公司的產品、文化、職缺所需的特質和能力。
    2. 展現獨特之處:想一個獨特的故事或經驗,讓面試官記住名字。
    3. 跟其他面試者互動:記住其他面試者的名字、別人敘述時專心聆聽,如此能展現出自己是 team player。

最後,若有團體互動的環節 (如:時間內一起想一份提案),推薦大家用 AID 回饋法回顧過程,給出回饋。

A: Aware,過程中察覺到什麼
I: Impact,整個過程對自己產生了什麼影響
D: Decide,結束後決定做出什麼改變

相信透過 AID 回饋法,面試者一定能給出有內容、讓面試官聽了立刻記住的高含金量回饋!


若你想更加了解各大公司和外商的英文面試流程,以及體驗客制化的英文履歷健檢服務,歡迎報名 CLN 的「面試技巧實戰班」。



三招寫一封讓老外秒懂的英文 EMAIL

只會 AGREE / DISAGREE 嗎? 從生活到職場超實用表達贊同 / 反對 / 中立的 8 種英文說法



關於 CLN

CLN 創辦於 2014 年,位於國際地標台北 101 辦公大樓第 37 樓,擁有教學經驗豐富的顧問團隊,旨在提供高品質的企業英語培訓課程、翻譯、駐點諮詢、英文師資訓練、一對一顧問與商用英文家教等服務。歷年來合作客戶涵蓋各大產業,包含 Google、Yahoo、聯發科、Shopee、IKEA、賓士、GSK、Deloitte 等知名企業。
Founded in 2014, CLN is committed to providing a life-changing learning experience where companies are able to pave the way into the international market as well as communicate with fluency in foreign languages. CLN provides first-class English services including corporate training programs, business English courses, translation, teacher training, and one-on-one tutoring. Over the years, CLN has worked together with Google, Yahoo, Asus, Shopee, Mercedes-Benz, and several other global brands.

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