英文書信也要看場合?5 分鐘帶你了解英文 email 正式與非正式用語


英文書信,是許多人難逃的職場夢靨,正在閱讀本文的你是否遇過以下 3 種狀況?

    • 寫英文 email 時,覺得只要通篇塞滿正式用語,就是職場安全牌?

    • 面對老闆或客戶,擔心自己的英文 email 寫得不夠正式?

    • 面對同事,擔心 email 用語太過正式而無法拉近距離?


本篇文章將從英文 email 常見的語意連接詞、動詞和英文書信主題 3 個面向,讓你迅速掌握正式與非正式用語的使用場合。


常見的英文 email 語意連接詞

雖然有些英文單字的中文解釋相同,但透過字彙的長度、使用情境的差別可以幫助我們判別每個單字的適用場合。以下將列舉四組英文 email 常用的語意連接詞,帶你感受正式用語與非正式用語的語氣差異。

無論如何 Nevertheless / Anyways


    • 正式用語:Nevertheless, please send me an email by Friday to confirm whether you will attend the meeting.

    • 非正式用語:Anyways, send me an email by Friday to confirm whether you will attend the meeting.

因此 Therefore / So


    • 正式用語:Therefore, I consider it necessary for us to revise our proposal.

    • 非正式用語:So, I think we need to revise our proposal.

另外,意指「認為」的動詞 consider 比 think 更為正式;而用以表達「必要性」的說法,以形容詞 necessary (需要的、必要的)帶出動詞的用法,也比 need to do something 更為正式。

而且、此外 In addition / Also


    • 正式:In addition, our clients value punctuality.

    • 非正式:Also, our clients value puntuality.

然而 However / But


    • 正式:Your idea is good; however, the manager is not quite satisfied with your presentation.

    • 非正式:Your idea is good, but the manager is not quite satisfied with your presentation.


常見的英文 email 動詞


通知 Inform / Tell


    • 正式:I’m writing to inform you of the new updates.

    • 非正式:Just a quick note to tell you about the new updates.

代表 Represent / Speak for


    • 正式:I will represent my department to propose the marketing project.

    • 非正式:I will speak for my department to propose the marketing project.

建立 Establish / Set up


    • 正式:The manager considers it important to establish the regulation on meeting attendance.

    • 非正式:The manager thinks it’s important to set up the regulation on meeting attendance.

要求 Require / Ask for


    • 正式:I would like to require more information about your company’s service.

    • 非正式:I’m writing to ask you for more information about your company’s service.

除了英文書信用語以外,從句子的長度、語調,都可以判斷書信的正式程度。其實,英文 email 的用詞不一定越正式越好;相較非正式用語,正式用語反而可能使句子變長,增加收件人的閱讀時間。因此,在寫英文 email 時,我們應該衡量精簡性與收件人身份,決定應使用正式還是非正式用語。

英文書信、英文 email

常見的英文 email 主題


情境假設:我們必須分別寫信給主管 Mr. Smith 以及很熟的同事 Jason,告知對方現行企劃的新進度及附檔的會議紀錄;以下兩封信,可以讓你快速掌握通知事項的英文 email,在正式與非正式用語上的差異。


Dear Mr. Smith, 

With regard to the current project, I’m writing to inform you of the new updates. In addition, I’ve attached meeting minutes with the clients last week in this email. Please contact me if you have further questions.

親愛的 Mr. Smith,



Hello Jason,

Just a quick note to tell you about the new updates of the current project. Also, I’ve put the record of last week’s meeting with the clients in the attachment. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

哈囉 Jason,






Dear Sir / Madam,

Representing our company, I’m writing with regard to the new project. For further discussion, I consider it necessary for us to arrange a meeting at 6 p.m this Friday. Please send me an email to confirm your attendance, and I’ll appreciate your reply at your soonest possible convenience.

親愛的先生 / 女士,




Hello Jean,

I’m writing for the new project that we work on jointly. I think we need to discuss it with our clients, and I wonder whether you could attend a meeting at 6 p.m. this Friday. Please send me an email to let me know whether the arrangement suits you.

哈囉 Jean,




其實英文書信的正式程度,應該根據適用對象與場合調整,才能在精簡傳達訊息的同時,維繫寄件人與收件人之間的職場社交關係。面對客戶、上司或陌生的合作夥伴,正式的英文書信用語,能夠在完整傳達訊息的同時,展現我們的專業度;對於需要維繫社交關係的同事,適當的在英文 email 中,使用非正式用語,不僅能在更短的句子內快速傳達訊息,也拉近彼此的距離。只要掌握好英文 email 的使用情境與對象,且善用正式與非正式用語,就能精確掌握英文 email 的撰寫口吻,讓你日後撰寫英文 email 更加如魚得水!



Email 太直白?如何專業、有禮貌的用英文指出對方錯誤?

Can you / Could you 哪個好?善用情態助動詞、被動語態,提升你的書面溝通技巧!

掌握 5 個步驟和 3 大原則,教你寫出一封完整的英文求職信 (Cover Letter)


關於 CLN

CLN 創辦於 2014 年,位於國際地標台北 101 辦公大樓第 37 樓,擁有教學經驗豐富的顧問團隊,旨在提供高品質的企業英語培訓課程、翻譯、駐點諮詢、英文師資訓練、一對一顧問與商用英文家教等服務。歷年來合作客戶涵蓋各大產業,包含 Google、Yahoo、聯發科、Shopee、IKEA、賓士、GSK、Deloitte 等知名企業。
Founded in 2014, CLN is committed to providing a life-changing learning experience where companies are able to pave the way into the international market as well as communicate with fluency in foreign languages. CLN provides first-class English services including corporate training programs, business English courses, translation, teacher training, and one-on-one tutoring. Over the years, CLN has worked together with Google, Yahoo, Asus, Shopee, Mercedes-Benz, and several other global brands.

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