確診、隔離、分流上班的英文怎麼說? 5 分鐘學會上班族必備疫情英文用語


受到疫情的影響,我們的生活產生了劇烈的改變,但是你知道如何用英文描述這些生活上的轉變嗎?除了大家常說的 quarantine 和 WFH (work from home) ,你還知道哪些疫情相關的英文呢?以下我們整理了幾個常見的疫情英文單字和句型,並針對商務人士提供專業的疫情英文信件範例,現在就快來跟 CLN 一起學習吧!



  • level 3 alert/epidemic alert/COVID-19 alert 三級警戒
  • 例句:CECC extends nationwide Level 3 epidemic alert until July 26 to secure disease prevention efforts in the community. CECC將全國3級疫情警報延長至7月26日,以保障社區的防疫努力。
    • coexist with the virus 與病毒共存
    例句:Many countries have decided to coexist with the virus. 許多國家決定與病毒共存。
    • confirmed case 確診病例
    例句:There were 80,000 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 yesterday. 昨天新增 80,000 例確診病例。
    • stay-at-home order 居家照護規定
    例句:Taiwanese government imposes heavy fines on those who violate their stay-at-home order. 台灣政府針對那些違反居家照護規定的人處以重罰。
    • self-quarantine/isolation 自主(居家)隔離
    例句:Many people try to entertain themselves in the midst of self-isolation. 很多人試著在自我(居家)隔離的時候自己找樂子。
    • self-health monitoring 自主健康管理
    例句:Self-health monitoring is mandatory to keep the pandemic from spreading. 自主健康管理對於防止疫情擴散是必要的。


    • remote working 遠距辦公

    例句:Organizations have embraced remote working during coronavirus lockdowns.

    • split operation 分流上班

    例句:Implementing split operations to improve resilience during a disease outbreak.

    • take turns coming to the office 輪流上班(分流上班

    例句:My colleagues and I take turns coming to the office and working from home during the pandemic.

    • come to the office on alternate weeks 隔週上班

    例句:In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we come to the office on alternate weeks to reduce crowding.


  • vaccine 疫苗
  • 例句:This vaccine protects against some kinds of the bacteria. 這種疫苗能抵抗這些細菌中的某幾種。
    • vaccination leave 疫苗假
    例句:CECC announces COVID-19 vaccination leave policy to ensure rights and interests of vaccine recipients. CECC宣佈了新冠肺炎疫苗接種假的政策,以確保疫苗接種者的權利和利益。
    • ___ dose/shot 第_劑 (底線填入序數 ordinal number)
    例句:Many people have got a third dose of the vaccine. 許多人已經接種第三劑疫苗。
    • booster shot 加強劑/追加劑
    例句:If you have not had a booster dose yet, you’re still eligible and can book anytime. 如果你還沒有接種追加劑,那你仍有資格可以隨時預約。
    • be vaccinated against (disease) 接種__疫苗(底線填入疾病名稱
    例句:I have been vaccinated against COVID-19. 我已經接種過新冠疫苗。


  • rapid antigen test  快篩
  • 例句:Once in short supply, rapid antigen tests are now available throughout Taiwan. 快篩試劑一度短缺,但現在全台都能取得。
    • symptom 症狀
    例句:Many symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to those of the flu. 新冠肺炎的許多症狀都與流感相似。 *補充常見症狀:
    dry cough 乾咳 itchy throat 喉嚨癢 fever 發燒 nausea 噁心 diarrhea 腹瀉 headache 頭痛
    • asymptomatic 無症狀的
    例句:Just because a person is asymptomatic, it doesn’t mean they aren’t infected with COVID-19. 無(新冠肺炎)症狀的人並不表示他們真的沒有感染新冠肺炎。
    • sequela 後遺症 (pl. sequelae)
    例句:Sequelae including mental health, pulmonary, and neurologic disorders are found in some survivors of COVID-19. 在新冠肺炎倖存者身上發現的後遺症包括心理健康、肺部和神經疾病。
    • I get/have (disease) 我確診/罹患__ (底線填入疾病名稱
    例句:I got COVID-19. 我確診新冠病毒。
    • test positive/negative for (disease) __的測驗結果為陽性/陰性(底線填入疾病名稱) 
    例句:I have tested positive/negative for COVID-19. 我的(新冠肺炎)快篩結果為陽性/陰性。
    • do a screening for (disease) 做__篩檢(底線填入疾病名稱) 
    例句:I went to the hospital to do a screening for COVID-19. 我去醫院做新冠肺炎篩檢。

    二、COVID-19 請假信英文範例

    以下提供上班族因應疫情期間的 4 種不同狀況,而向公司請假的英文範例信,包含:居家隔離或居家照護、出現新冠症狀、照料居家照護者、照顧無法上學的年幼兒童。


    Dear ___,(底線填入主管姓名)

    I am writing to request paid leave because I am ______.(底線填入請假原因,例如:
    1. subject to an isolation or quarantine order from the government 居家隔離或居家照護者
    2. experiencing COVID-19 symptoms 出現新冠肺炎症狀
    3. caring for an individual who is subject to a stay-at-home order 須照料居家照護者
    4. caring for a child whose school or daycare is closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic 須照顧無法上學的年幼兒童)
    Please see the attached. (附檔插入居家照護或居家隔離之相關證明)Sorry for the inconvenience. Feel free to contact me at ___ if you have any questions. (底線填入聯繫方式,如手機號碼或郵件地址)Thank you.

    ___ (底線填入你的姓名)





    Dear employee,

    Across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating effects. We appreciate how much you have already done to adapt during this challenging time. As you know, we have been taking preventive measures at ___ against COVID-19 for the past several months.(底線填入公司名稱) To further keep our entire staff, our families, and our customers safe, we decide to implement split operation. 

    We have worked under some uncertain and often stressful conditions, and you have helped make it possible for us to continue our essential operations. Let us join forces and make it through the pandemic again.  

    ___ (底線填入你的姓名)


    Dear employee,

    Across the country, the COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating effects. We appreciate how much you have already done to adapt during this challenging time. As you know, we have been taking preventive measures at ___ against COVID-19 for the past several months.(底線填入公司名稱) To further keep our entire staff, our families, and our customers safe, we decide to implement split operation. 

    We have worked under some uncertain and often stressful conditions, and you have helped make it possible for us to continue our essential operations. Let us join forces and make it through the pandemic again.  

    ___ (底線填入你的姓名)


    關於 CLN

    CLN 創辦於 2014 年,位於國際地標台北 101 辦公大樓第 37 樓,擁有教學經驗豐富的顧問團隊,旨在提供高品質的企業英語培訓課程、翻譯、駐點諮詢、英文師資訓練、一對一顧問與商用英文家教等服務。歷年來合作客戶涵蓋各大產業,包含 Google、Yahoo、聯發科、Shopee、IKEA、賓士、GSK、Deloitte 等知名企業。
    Founded in 2014, CLN is committed to providing a life-changing learning experience where companies are able to pave the way into the international market as well as communicate with fluency in foreign languages. CLN provides first-class English services including corporate training programs, business English courses, translation, teacher training, and one-on-one tutoring. Over the years, CLN has worked together with Google, Yahoo, Asus, Shopee, Mercedes-Benz, and several other global brands.

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